

I am an assistant professor in the Philosophy Department at Niagara University. During the 2021 – 2022 academic year I am a residential research fellow at the Henry Center for Theological Understanding in Deerfield, IL.

When I was nine years old it struck me that while the scary robots in the Saturday morning cartoons behaved according to the commands given them by remote control, nobody was remotely-controlling the robot-controllers. I have been thinking about the mysteries of human nature, especially the human mind, most days ever since.

I love doing philosophy, whether with fellow professionals or with those who have only the faintest idea what philosophy is. I am convinced that philosophy has never been more important: during our era of extreme political polarization, philosophical training can provide society with a common rational vocabulary and set of reasoning skills. My students understand what our society is quickly forgetting: we can pursue the truth together.

Contact me at pwoodward [at] niagara [dot] edu.